Saturday, April 24, 2010

10 Months

Eliza was ten months old yesterday. She spent the day with her Omi and got to meet one of her Uncle's. Now, I think she has officially met the entire nucleus family, though we still have some extended family members to go. Eliza is a SHEAR joy! She wakes up happy. She loves to be held. She is drinking out a sippy cup with a soft nipple (transition nine month cup). She pulls herself up to a stand position. She transfers from one person to another or from one piece of furniture to another. She is only waking up two times a night. Yesterday, when she was off to her Omi's she waived bye to me. Her little hand was turned facing her and she opened and closed her hand. She loves to give kisses, open mouth slobber ones are her speciality. She is learning new developmentally appropriate "things" everyday and soon I think that she will be caught up. Her first word was "Up!" and "No!" The funny thing is that Richard and I made an agreement that we were not going to use the word, "No" with Eliza. We would divert her attention, say a phrase like "Not for Eliza" etc. but she shakes her head and definately nows the word "No," So much for the terrible twos we are not even to one yet!!!! My girl crawls. She is a speed demon. She also crawls the two steps to the kitchen foward and yes, folks, as of last weekend backwards.

Our lives have not been the same since we recieved her and we are LOVIN' every stinkin' moment(literally she gives us at least four to five surprises a know the smelly diaper changin' kind) .


Shannon said...

So amazing! It sounds like she is just perfect! Even down to the little presents you get everyday! Only a mom of another adopted child could understand how we are grateful for those and even for tantrums, for it means our little ones are thriving. More pictures please! : )