Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Fun 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


A stamp for a gymnastics session well done! (never mind the bribing from Mommy, Aunt Jen and that Daddy and Yi Yi were watching the entire time.)

Eliza's favorite part of "nastics" class. Look at the form for her tuck jumps! Ha!

Coach Gabby teaching her "in / out" jumps!

Kadence rockin' the tuck jump.

On high uneven bars learning the basic dismount.

Learning to climb over the bars.

Great form on the toe touches, Missy Li!

Going to the next station!

Learning her back walk over! First time ever!

Balance beam work!

Daddy and YeYe came to my gymnastics class tonight. I will work for my Daddy and a lollipop at age 2.