Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Pics... We love this girl!

Jen and Cadance at the St. Paddy's Day parade. It is nice living in a small town.

Our family outing at the St. Paddy's day parade, next time we have to get a family pic with FD. She loved watching the kids and not the parade.

Kai-Li St. Paddy's day outfit. It is a 9 month outfit but becuase she is in the 90 percentile for height, it fits perfect!

SHe smiles and laughs all the time except for when you pull out the camera.

My mom said that I would always have a red head. Here she is! Love this girl!

All Smiles!

Pure Sweetness!
Her beautiful blue eyes that catch peoples attention. People constantly stop us saying that she is a beautiful baby esspecially her eyes. Richard and I laugh to ourselves and tell the people she gets them from her Oma and Grandpa Kimball. Then we laugh and giggle as the people walk away. She is like our little secret angel.

She loves her high chair. It is now on her play circuit.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

6months and a bad hair day

Kai-Li's last doctor's visit was on Thursday, March 26th for her 6month checkup. It is hard to believe that she has already been a part of our family for six months. She weighs 15 pounds and is 28 inches. SHe is the 28 percentile for weight and 90 percentile for height. So, she is a long, skinny one. She is such a sweet thing!

Now for the bad hair day and her sporting her crab glasses. Can you tell we live on the Eastern Shore?
Kai-Li is rolling both forwards adn backwards and loves to smile and giggle.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Aquarium, Bath Fun and More...

Ohhh... I am caught! I love this pic. Thanks Omi and Opa for the cute outfits. I love them all.

My cute red hat and my whale sweater. I was a hit at the doctor's office.

Tub Time Fun!

My Valentine Day present! Boy, it was a good pick FD!

My first Superbowl!

My half time 3D glasses! I loved 'grabbing' the images.

Yummy prunes... keep you regular. They are NOT my favorite.

My first aquarium visit! I loved all the fishies!

I think that I am a big girl standing up.

Loving my Omi!

The brighter the better!

Me and my whale.