Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Boy, are we not ever ready for 2008! We have had our highs and lows of 2008. I finally got the job of my dreams as a school counselor through hard work and dtermination. We are still waiting for the arrival of our little one. This has been a long road. After much soul searching we are hoping that Richard has found a job that he will like and will continue to challenge him and he can grow with this company. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2008! Here's to bringing home our babies!

What will we be doing for Chinese New Years! Mom and Dad want to celebrate Chinese New Years by going out this weekend instead of next by saying that trying to get Dim Sum will be to chaotic. I tend to agree, however we have committed to going to a Super Bowl party. I feel as though I have to go because Richard has always wanted to have a Superbowl party ever since before we got married (hmmm.... 7 years ago) and we have totally held off. So... I have been reading some of the Greater Washington Blogs and their seems to be alot in Northern Virginia so if Richard isn't busy paying "Uncle Sam" then mayube we will venture out and do one of those activites.