Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My First attempt at blogging

Yesterday I went with my friend Jen to the Barker Foundation meeting. I meet a wonderful little girl that came home in Jan. from the Hunan province. It was exciting to see how happy and in love her parents were with her. They told of their adventures in China and how their daughter came from a remote province when they were allowed to keep more than one child. Many of the Chinese people actually asked if she was Chinese because she comes from a province that is on the border of Vietnam and Laos. She was such a beauty and her parents were so enduring and loving. I am so happy to have a close friend that is adopting and that I have the experience to go through with. I know that Jen will be getting her referral soon from Korea.


dreamer said...

Cool to see you blogging Kindel! Use the blog for whatever your heart desires... a ranting place, a fun place, a diary, whatever, it's yours, enjoy!
