Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

My mom and dad have been married 40 years today! I am so very proud of them.  It is not like they have not had their struggles but they have learned to work through them and lean on each other for strength.  Has their marriage been perfect?  Even as their daughter, I can say God, no but... they have a deep love and respect for one another.  They are each others strength and help each other out where the other one is weak.

I never knew how much influence my father has had on so many people until today on Facebook.  I posted a random post about their 40th wedding anniversary and one of my collegues from a few years posted that she had my father in highschool, then another one of my dear friends from high school posted that she had my father as a principal.  Though her never has made his millions he has touch so many children's lives through his teaching, teacher and facilitating teachers as adminstration and working at the district level, creating an awesome school system in Guam in which many students have gone though and had a successful education.  These students have gone on to do great things, engineers, military, doctors, lawyers of fortune 500 companies and such.  He devoted his lfe and continues to devote his life to not only to his three biological children but all of his children that he has helped over the year.  So go ahead and raise your glass... to Mr. Tom, Rich, Richard, Coach Tom, Dad, Daddy-Doodie, Daddy, Opa or Dr. Tom... you are an OUTSTANDING man with a strong woman behind you to support you all the way!  I love you very much and here's to forty more together as a team!  One, two, three...."TOGETHER!!!!"