Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our Anniversary we spent at the E. Carnival

Summer fun with Mommy while Daddy is at work.

Mommy let me play with bubbles inside because it was over 100 degrees outside.

I love the way that you smile and bubbles brings you pure happiness.

I love my squinty smiles. They are so cute.

Our little spicy Hunan girl riding her big green tractor.

MoMMMMMMMMMMM, I love the carnival.

You are too strict mom. Dad and I love a good carnival game and you would not even let me take home the stuffed animal I won. Daddy says you are a, "Big Meanie." Yup, I am. We do not know if other little girls "are forced to make those stuffed animals" that you will have nothing to do with once you are home. Some day little one you will understand, sometimes less is more and spending time with you is the BEST part of the carnival.

There is nothing better than being held by my daddy, eating a cool ice cream cone on one hot summer evening.

Interested in all of the bright lights and the rides and excitement that a carnival brings.

You were shy and timid around the petting animals. You felt secure in Daddy's arms.

There is no other place I have rather spent this anniversary night with my my little baby girl and her daddy. We went to the local carnival where she got to meet petting animals and eat an ice cream cone, play her first carnival games (which her daddy loves) and sit on some big tractors.

At last, we can not wait to get the disc that Aunt Cindy and Uncle Andy are sending us so we can post the pics of you and one of your spicy Hunan sista's Nicole.


Shannon said...

She is so beautiful!!!! Look at that sweet smile!