Thursday, November 13, 2008


Kai-li is now officially 7 weeks old and she fits in so well to are family. She will be with us for a while and we are excited to have her. We would keep her forever, if it is Gods will. He will determine our path. She had her first smile on command while I was talking to her the other day. She is very alert and staying up a lot longer. My best friend, Beth came down the other day and brought me a really cool wrap that her last child, Emma wore. Kai-Li absolutely loves it. She snuggles right in and goes with me everywhere. She loves sleeping in her feathers from her feather decka. We got to visit with our friends Jen and Lee, their son little Finn loves Kai-li and thinks that it is his little sister. He calls her little sisiter. His little sister is coming home in a few months. I have had a great time buying NB clothes. I found the cutest little dresses for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Kai-li does not mind stocings. She is now up to eating four ounces at a time. She is a slow eater but I do not mind. It gives me more time to snuggle with her. She loves her painting on the wall from her Uncle Theo that he bought while on deployment to Hong Kong. She stares at it during every diaper change. She does not mind her changing table because she gets to long at the picture of the Junk boats. It is AMAZING how she grows every day. She loves the music that Richard (we call him...FD, so if Kai-li is with us long enough she will call me FM and call him FD) plays with his guitar. The fact that Kai-Li loves music sings right to FD's heart. They also have date night during "Dancing with the Stars." He dances and sings to her. She loves movement and adores dancing with her FD. Our little family is just great!!! We are planning this weekend to volunteer for WaterFowl ( a big festival in our town). My mom and dad are coming in to help with the volunteering. We can not wait for Christmas this year. It is the first year wehre I want the Christmas tree up early. I am trying to convience Oma and Opa to allow us to put it up while they are over so they can help watch her but it is not going over so well. :) We see at the next post who actually will win out.