Thursday, April 01, 2010

8 and 9 month Pictures

Making Opa's Birthday Cake...definately Mommy's shu chef,

Or... I could be the official taste tester.

Making Daddy's birthday brownies and finger painting with the batter.

I learned "So Big" and I am such a big girl helping Mommy and Omi making brownies.

Yup, it's official I am a baker.

At the Natural History Museum in the "Bug tunnel" with my new tunnel friend.

Me crawling through the tunnel thinking that I am a big girl.

Playing and kissing the alligator at the hands-on portion of the museum.

Omi and Opa are always taking me to historical sites and teaching me new things.

Me and Grandpa Reed

Ms. Susan and I

Grandma Reed and I

Yes, lots of people love me and I love them!

Aunt Pam and I

Love her!

Peas are one my favorite foods. I love veggies and fruit!
Tuna Noodle Casserole anyone???? Eliza loves it... come on...

My daddy and I are two peas in a pod! I love HIM!!!!!

Am I the Easter bunny?

Grammie and Eliza before the big AMAZING photo shoot at PP.

My two girls... two passie's (pacifiers) taken away not happy girls but loving girls.

Chessie and Eliza are truly best friends! They share everything and she is so protective of Eliza. Though Chessie does occasionally become jealous of Eliza... change in family dynamics but sisters of the heart!

Eliza and Chessie on Valentine's Day... our two loves... 2010

Eliza is starting to crawl. She started about two Wednesday ago. A day or two before she turned nine months old. For each of her birthday's that we have had in the United States she has been able to be with her Grammie and Granddad. It has been special. She recently followed her Opa around the room two times while crawling. She is getting faster by the day. She finally used American sign language for milk and she says "Mmm...." when she is hungry. It is so encouraging to know that we are figuring out her cues and I am sure she is figuring out ours. Last weekend we visited the Natural History Musuem in Washington DC. She loved watching the other children, playing in the touch and feel zone and looking at the dinosaurs, sea animals and mammals. We even took her to see the Hope diamond. She is a true girl and was truly impressed with the diamond, or... it could have been all the young teenagers surrounding the diamond. :) She has made a guest appearance at the middle school where I work and has been to Daddy's work and even watched him play in the band he recently joined. She loved dancing to his music.