Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 Days

Eliza's 100th day is this week. We have had the opportunity to celebrate three months of "month birthdays" with her. She is OUR LIFE. My brother asked me the other day, what is the best part about being a mom? My answer.... "EVERYTHING!" My brother next question me on what is the worst part about being a mom... I said, "Honestly, Jason I can not think of anything." He asked again.... "Really, Jason if you are going to make me pick something then ,I would have to say sleep and not being able to get everything done." But... even that really does not bother me. I know that these times are so precious and that she will grow up so fast that I am trying to LIVE. IN. THE. MOMENT. Previously, I have had a hard time doing living in the moment but I really think that I am not looking ahead or behind but, truly, taking it all in.

Today I tried to compile a list of everything that ELiza has learned in the first 100 days with us but ,I know that this is by far not everything, but there goes a short list. This way I know what to tell her when she grows up and wants me to answer these types of questions: She knows my voice. She knows tha t I will comfort her and love her. She has learned to "ask" for what she wants. She shakes her head no and yes (in that order) she learned no first and recently this week she has started to shake her head yes. She loves to crawl. Last week, Opi taught her to lean back but this week she "melts" to try to be Ms. independant and get down." Her favorite songs are "Itsey Bitsy Spider" and " Five little monkeys jumping on the bed." She loves to dance. She sticks out her leg and I call it her ballerina. Eliza loves the television show "DWTS." She watches them dance and many times bops up and down to the music. Elixa loves to study items and tries to repeat them. She is starting to really enjoy books and loves to put together puzzles. At ten months she is 19 pounds and wearing nine to twelve month clothing.

My 100 day letter to my daughter...

Dear Eliza,

Mommy loves when you smile, you know, that smile with those gorgeous almond eyes that are so brown that I can see your soul and my reflection loving you in them. I love the fact that you are funny and have a sense of humor but you are serious also. You do a great job communicating your needs to your daddy and I. At ten months old, you have captured our heart!

You are a sweet little girl that is friendly with strangers yet inquizative. Yesterday, a Chinese woman tried to talk to you and you sweetly nuzzled into my shoulder as if to say, Mommy I love you. Please protect me. That made me feel special. All I wanted to do was comfort you and tell you that it is O.K. You already knew because I was giving you your wings to explore but, I was there as your safety net for you to check in. You love to watch people, you not only capture people by your unique beauty but also they see straight to your loving heart.

I am so lucky to have spent our first 100 days together but I am also looking for the next hundred and the next hundred and again and again and again.

I love you my sweet baby girl!!!



dreamer said...

very beautiful!So glad you are taking the time to soak it all in. I can imagine the days pass quickly!