Saturday, May 18, 2013

Eliza's first pre horse show at three years of age!

Our girl was a champ, not a champion but a champ.  I kindof felt like one of those Toddler and Tiara mom's but on a horse making sure Eliza was (in Eliza's words) "show ready."  It was a great event Grammie and Granddad, Oma and Opa, Uncle Bill and Aunt Abbie all came to her first show.  She did "amazing" in our eyes.  As a professional let's just say she was not the "leader of the pack" however, it was a good learning experience, forgetting to put her gloves on,doing her hair to early, losing a button for her pants and not practicing with her feet in teh higher position causing her to lean back.   But we are so very PROUD of Eliza and she wants to do it again (in her words) "tomorrow."  I think that mommy can wait on tomorrow.

This is Eliza with Michelle.  She is the one who has been training her the last few weeks.  She is a senior at my school (though nothing to do with Eliza's training, it was just coincedence that she waws assigned to Eliza.)  She has a gentle soul and works well with Eliza.  Eliza  rode CoCo today.  He is a bay pony.  She did 3 divisions walk, walk-trot, and trot or walk over the poles.  Now for the competition pictures in the next post.  If horse lovers are reading this post.  Both Eliza's daddy and mommy have never rode so please excuse me if the termology is wrong.  ;)