Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kai-li's 6th and 7th week

11/20/2008 After two weeks of having coughs, sneezes and other "unmentionables" we took our first swim to the warm pool. Kai-Li LOVED it! She is my water kind of gal!

Kai-Li in her first bathing suit from Auntie Beth and her sisters of the heart, Emma and Lia. It is fun sharing clothes with one of FM's best friends ...Kai-Li's adopted "cousins"

Kai'Li lovin' the warm pool on a cold November day.

Kai-Li sportin' her new bathing suit from her sweet "cousins"

Kai'Li with her calendula cream that Shannon introduced her to to help with her dry skin. Boy, do I love all natural products for babies and does it smell so good and earthy.

Kai-Li in her first snow suit that she actually helped pick out at one of her favorite stores because of all the bright colors... Babies R' Us

This bib is from Auntie Nadin out in Cali...I love the little sayings. This one says "Worth the Wait" I was going to save this one for Haley but I could not resist since it was from Auntie Nadin. Thanks for the gift card! She loves Target and Target diapers! :)

She gets tons of get looks from "Twice as Nice" stores. This is one of cutie's that Auntie Abbie helped us pick out. Abbie has been so very supportive and her girls love Kai'Li too!

Finn kissing his "little sister". He is practicing for his little sister that is on count down to be here from Korea. Richard and I can not wait to meet her.

Best Friends adding another one to the bunch.

Sweet Lia with Kai-:i in one of the outfits that her mom and grandmom sent down for us. Thank you Debbie and Beth.

Two of my favorite girls!

Sweet Matthew with little Kai-Li on their quick visit down from PA

The Garambone's and Kai-Li... I don't envy Beth because Christmas pictures must be hard to get this was take one of 3 to 5 or so takes.

Kai-Li is now official 7 weeks old, as of 11.18/2008 at "Your D*ocs In" she weighed 9 pounds. She is getting so big but she is still our little one and smaller then many other NB her age. We are loving every minute of her.