Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eliza's first Hurricane~ Hurricane Irene

This week on Eliza's mommy's birthday we had a Earthquake in Mineral, VA. Here in Easton we felt the after shock of 4.9 but the earthquake was actually a 5.9. Then on Saturday and Sunday Hurrican Irene came to visit... here is some of the aftermath, puddle stopping... (in rain boots, no picture, fixing a car light bulb, cleaning messes from three scared dogs, and trees down). But... we are safe and even had an aftermath tea party with Eliza made chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk. Eliza thinks it is kindof fun because Daddy has been home for two days straight. She is lovin' her daddy time!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I could not make this stuff up daughter comes into the guest bedroom tonight while I am typing on the computer in hot pink bloomers and a bolero jacket saying, "Look at my brawh (bra), Mommy," Richard and I laugh hysterically, go and get the camera. Meanwhile, Eliza is saying, "Get, CHessie....Tell, Chessie....Chessie, look at my brawh..." Me, " Eliza, Chessie thinks it is nice." Eliza, "Chessie, me says look at my brawl." Where does this girl, get this stuff from? Here is Eliza in her self proclaimed BRAWH.

Monday, August 15, 2011

We have ourselves a cute little Chinese cowgirl!

Hang on to your hats partner, there is a new sheriff in town! She is super sweet, so ya'll grab some sweet tea, and come and sit for awhile. You are about to see some super sweetness!

This One's for the Girls, who never had a broken heart, who wished upon a shooting star! Yes, this one's for all the girls! ~Martina McBride

Sitting on her southern stoop!

An all American Girl!

Pure Love!


I'm officially TWO!!!!

Dancing with Tim McGraw, O.K. Daddy! Love him more anyway!

Get Your Sparkle On! (courtsey of Barbie!)

Ballerina cowgirl (Eliza's invention)

Under my umbrella!

Pure Country!

Hats off!

Enough Said!

Friday, August 12, 2011

1st two weeks of school

Eliza loves school. She had a hard transition the first two weeks. I actually bribed her with a ring pop if she did not cry when he went in to see Ms. Linda. We have had lots of nightly conversations about how Mommy will always come and pick her up at the end of each day. She has had two successes this week. She is potty trained during the day and she has successfully transitioned without crying to being dropped off.

Not only has she had fun the last two Fridays at water days but she has come home with some amazing refridge art. She made a picture of watermelon, ice cream and a doggie. She was so proud. When I asked her if I could hang it on the refridge, she said, "Of torse." Her little accent is so cute. I can tell she is growing up because she does not say "Move" anymore for movie and she now says TV. She now calls Daddy sometimes Dad.

We did have an incident this week at school, where she was stung by a bee. She is on medicine now and had a trip to the emergency care.

All over all she had a successful first two weeks of school. Mommy and Daddy are beaming and being schooled also in what she needs at this stage of her little life.