Friday, September 25, 2009

Saw a Ladybug Today!

As many of you know, I am a middle school counselor and today while walking back to my office, a boy, (I don't know his name and have had few encounters with him, as he is not in my grade or the previous grade I had) stopped me in the hall. He had a ladybug in his hand. He stopped me and said, "This bug bit me." I looked at the bug and I said, "It is a lady bug, they do not bite." The boy stated, "This lady bug is different, it is a vibrant red color but it does not have dots." A crowd formed around us, looking at the bug. I bent down to pick it up but it did not crawl onto my pen. I took the boy to the nurse to make sure all was well and he did not have allergies to bugs. The boy was fine. Is this a sign?

This incident has had me pondering all day. Is our turn coming soon? I keep imagining the beauty of the ladybug and the fact that a middle school student didn't just kill the bug but, rather, out of any other adult person in the hall, stopped me to tell me about this experience. The following days will tell...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kai-Li 1st Birthday Party

We are truley blessed that Kai-Li's bio parents invited us to her first birthday party. She was amazing! She is growing and I enjoyed her immensely. I got to change her diaper and feed her.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We possibly could be next...

This is what Rumor Queen has been posting and R and I are getting excited...

"Current state of early rumors
So far I’ve seen people with LID’s up to and including the 29th being told they are in this batch.
We’re still down in the R1 and R2 range with these at this point."

We are so lucky that someone is (a blogger) is willing to keep up on all of the current information. Thank you for all of Chinaadopttalk's information.