Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I would like to take this opportunity to THANK all of the people that have helped us with the quick arrival of Kai-Li and the people how have helped provide us moral support during this long wait for Haley. Thank you to the McGuckin Family for their love and support and letting us borrow the bobby and the bouncy for Kai_li. Thank you to the Buchkowski family for letting us borrow all of Brynlee's NB and 0-3 clothing. Thank you to the Keswick family for letting us borrow the crib, chair, pack n' play and for your undying love and support on our adventure. Thank you to my family for helping Richard and I get sleep on the weekend. It has been an AMAZING three months and I would not change a moment of it. This little girl has touched our lives FOREVER. Richard and I will not be the same from this moment on. Three month jpictures to come! Happy three months, sweet little baby girl!

Kai-Li's 1st Christmas!

Kai-Li adores Santa and Santa adores Kai-Li!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Kai-Li meets Santa at 12 weeks old!

Kai-Li loves her newest friend Bella at daycare. Bella is a great sharer... with her cookie! Too cute!

Kai-Li studying the gift she gave Ms. June. She adores her.

Kai-Li's first middle school dance. She loved the music, the pretty dresses, the lights and the music. She is just waiting to go to her first middle school dance.

Santa is in love with Kai-Li!

Kai-Li liked Santa also... This is their first meeting!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

December 1st- Week 9 and INTRODUCING Cadance... Kai-li newest BFF

Kai-li's hat from Oma
Jen and her new baby Cadance... we are all in LOVE!
Cadance you are too beautiful and full of many smiles

Cadance is already a model

Jen, finally has a girl to play dress up

Precious Love

Cadance is a crawler

Thinking about how much she loves her big brother Finn

Cadance is thinking she is the luckiest girl in the world to
have a mom as cool and loving as Jen
She is too cute even when she cries

December 1st
Kai-Li at 9 weeks old

Morning time Love... after ZERO sleep

Sweet Love

Kai-Li in her swing ...ready for bed? Not...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Thanksgiving Dress- kai-Li's first formal dress

During the Ma*cy's Thanksgiving Parade

Triple LOVE
One of my favorite nicknames for Kai-Li and it is so true she is my triple love!