Monday, July 10, 2006


On our 5th anniversary we went to the National Zoo and saw the baby panda. It was so fitting because the name of our DTC group is the Marching Pandas. Then today Richard called me and what was in the mail but our DTC pins with the logo which is... You guessed it ... PANDAS. It was nice, we spent the day at the Zoo taking pictures of all the different animals and then researching the amount of time that each of the animals take to have a child. We would laugh and guessimate how long and what our paper pregnancy would be more like. It was a little secret that Richard and I had. People walking around the zoo with there children were probably amazed and wondering why we were there with no children of our own. I felt like saying that hopefully that will be us soon. Then we went to Chinatown and did Mongolian BBQ. It was yummy and fun and something though Richard and I have done it apart we have never done as a couple. I think that Richard had a bit of a time walking around for so long since he just had surgery about two weeks ago. He wound up burning his bald head. Sometimes it is hard to know whether men are just being babies and then when I say to "Man Up", it actually is something that I should be sympathic for. I will learn soon enough.

I found out today that some of my Chinese side of my family found out that we are adopting from China. I had chosen not to tell them. I did however get to tell my Chinese grandmother before she passed away. I asked her for a good Chinese name but she said that Haley was fine. I told my father this and he said that she has not anymore grandchildren or great grandchildren after her mother passed away in the late 80's. Now i am stuck with do I keep her Chinese name as the middle name even though nannies and the orphanage people have named her or do we choose a middle name that is significant to our family. Lucky or Unlucky we do have time. That is for sure. I am not sure if the Chinese side of the family approves of our adopting or... it seemed like they were interested but truly interested or just being noisy. Hopefully they really appreciated and more importantly RESPECT our decision.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My First attempt at blogging

Yesterday I went with my friend Jen to the Barker Foundation meeting. I meet a wonderful little girl that came home in Jan. from the Hunan province. It was exciting to see how happy and in love her parents were with her. They told of their adventures in China and how their daughter came from a remote province when they were allowed to keep more than one child. Many of the Chinese people actually asked if she was Chinese because she comes from a province that is on the border of Vietnam and Laos. She was such a beauty and her parents were so enduring and loving. I am so happy to have a close friend that is adopting and that I have the experience to go through with. I know that Jen will be getting her referral soon from Korea.